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5 tips on organizing a successful event.

Updated: Mar 23

  1. The DJ:

This is perhaps one of the most important aspects of an event whether it be nightlife, a BBQ or even a house party. A skilled DJ can control the energy and vibe in a event, even if you have a high amount of attendees at your event and your DJ is not at a good quality the likelihood of those coming back will decrease. Having a good DJ shows how much you as an organizer really care about what you do and it will show.

2. Potential collaborations

Collaboration will always be better than competition, 2 heads are better than 1. This can be a collaboration with a sponsor to help expose their brand or with another event company. One of the greatest perks in collaborating is combining the two crowds which increases your exposure and gives a higher attendance for that event and possibly future ones.

3. Utilizing multiple social media platforms

Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat to name a few are fee to use and free to engage with potential customers. There is a large amount of attention up for grabs on the platforms, when you organise an event building excitement is key and this can be done by using social media. One key method we like to achieve this is by doing a countdown to the event day. For more tips on social media check out this YouTube video we created for promoting on Instagram (

4. Location, location, location

If you've ever played Monopoly you understand the importance of picking the right locations to handle business. Picking the right location for a venue is important because as humans we take the path of least resistance so if you understand your demographic and where most of them live it's best to pick a location that is easier to get to and requires less forms of transport.

5. Understand your customer

Knowing your customer or the lack thereof can make or break your event it is that simple. You might ask what specifically do you need to know? This includes their interests, what else they do for entertainment, what job do they have. Gathering intelligence on your customer will help you better the quality of the event and if you have themes it will give you greater efficiency in creating something that they will love and better yet talk about.

#event #tickets #customer #DJ #collaboration #location

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